This is a place for me to host the crazy bananas shit I've written over the years.
This includes poems, sales pitches, scripts, and pretty much any other project that involves writing you can
Consider this a sort of blog that doesn't really say anything at all.
This is all just text on a page.
Article the First
I honestly do not know what to write here.
While I could probably cook up something absolutely
crazy (I am on 4 hours of sleep and have been awake
for 19 hours and 13 minutes as of beginning writing),
honestly, I don't want to.
I'm currently sitting awake staring at my HP 14 Laptop (Do not ever purchase this product) scribing this
into VSCode (The funny editor).
Honestly I feel like I should go to sleep.
I want to go to sleep.
Yet here I am.
I have not rocked anybody like a hurricane.
Maybe I should put some link to an arg encoded into this text.
Have it lead through fake people, fake bank accounts, and all lead back to nothing.
I have honestly no idea what I'm saying here.
This actually sounds like the disjointed ramblings of a deranged lunatic right now.
There is no goal to this text.
This is the definition of text on a page.
Cracked in the moonlight.
It flung away with force.
Raking rhythms as it ran.
Down into the leaves it descended.
Simple squirrels scared at the sound.
Tune in and listen.
The sounds of the jungle are all around.
One More Time Around the Horn
This is literally the second time today.
Although now it's considered a school night and I must wake up before the sun is risen to
boil inside that evil, evil building.
I honestly don't know how one designs a building to be evil.
It just feels to me like the very building itself is just so corrupt.
And to be honest, I have no idea why the building feels that way to me.
I just feel like it represents the sense of dread I feel walking into its maw.
"Just another day of mind-numbing! :D".
Why does it have to be this way?
Does it have to be this way?
I don't think it does.
I've seen a million other activities that teach you how to learn, and not
one of those has been "school".
Does nobody in positions of power see that this system is fried?
Are they just okay with schools pumping out worthless "do-what-you're-tolds"?
Are they okay with a population who only pathfinds?
Engineers and scientists are critical to society and advancement.
So why the hell is it that every self-proclaimed STEAM class I've taken has only
been the equivalent of getting hit on the head with a cartoon hammer for the entire
time you're within the classroom.
It's not that I don't understand the material, it's that I understood it by reading the
fucking lesson material. I don't need someone with a dry-erase marker yapping at me telling
me things I could've learned off of reading a Wikipedia article. I want to be taught useful
skills that will help me navigate through life and contribute to society, not scribe away endlessly
on a piece of paper that is getting thrown into the can the moment class ends.
That is simply silly. This whole rant is simply silly. What even happened here.
I Do Not Know
I do not know what to do on the website right now.
I have ideas, I just don't know which to implement.
I would like to make the website compatible with screen readers as well as make it cursor navigable.
However, I'm not sure where to start.
I believe in order to make it more compatible with screen readers I need to add more semantic elements
footers, nav elements, and the like).
This is absolute yapping.
I just simply have no motivation to work on anything so I'm here writing whatever this is to pass the time.
Welcome to the circus, sit down and stand up to get your popcorn.
It grips us all,
Tearing and pulling,
It grips us all,
Forever eternal,
It will subsist long after we are bones
And it arrived at the beginning of us all.
It is unstoppable.
At least, that's what it whispers,
Its dark snake tongue licking at your ear.
But fear is a liar.
A fabricator whose base is in a lie.
There is no fear.
Only what I have of it.
And I won't have it.
Not anymore.
For I am greater than fear,
I will not let fear take my life away.
I will not let fear take my love away.
I will not let fear grip me with its tongue razor sharp for all it can throw is words.
Fear owns no stones and cannot hurt me when I turn my face to it.
Fear is nothing without me.
And I'm leaving the fucking building.
Ribbit Fucking Ribbit
You know, one thing I've learned about hosting a blog is that it feels pretty good to just
write your thoughts down and shout them into the cold dark abyss of the Internet.
I honestly find it quite freeing in a way.
More than likely, nobody will read this (Aside from a few Russian crawlers. That's right, I see you).
On the off chance that somebody does, it's even less likely they'll know who I am
(Excepting stalkers. That's right, you see me).
And on the even more off chance that somebody I know does read this, I guess they get an insight into my soul
or some shit (Lucky you!).
But, for the most part, nobody's gonna read this.
So I can say whatever I want.
Except telling everyone what Boeing Aerospace did on September the 15th, 2024 (I will commit "suicide" within the hour).
But rather than be "accidentally" shoved in front of an oncoming bus by a man in a black suit and sunglasses.
I'll probably talk about random bullshit so that each post sounds like crazed ramblings (They probably are).
For this post, frogs are pretty cool.
And I am completely mentally stable.
Frogs hop around and shit.
They fucking ribbit.
That's some fucked up shit.
Who else is gonna fill those shoes?
And/or tiny rainboots depending on the frog's linguistic capabilities and stature.
Frogs are awesome and they deserve all the little cardboard boxes humanity can produce.
They need to be allocated to the frogs.
They deserve the world's entire store of diamond and gold.
Go find a frog today and give them a McChicken.
And then throw away that McChicken and get them something they can actually eat without their heart turning
to a lump of butter.
They've earned at least that much.
Ribbit ribbit motherfuckers.
I Will Not Forget
I will not forget.
I will not forget.
I am stronger than the tempest blows,
This will come to pass.
I will not forget.
I know who you are,
I have seen it.
I will not forget.
I know what true happiness is,
I have felt it,
I will find it again.
We will find it again.
We will not forget.
We will weather the storm,
We will survive.
We will not forget.
We will remember the times we shared.
We will let nothing take those away.
We will not forget.
We will remember who we are.
We will remember who the other is.
We will not forget.
We are stronger than this,
What we have is stronger than this.
We will not forget.
I will not let you forget.
We will find the way out.